Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday AM Update

OK.. Judging from the number of concerned phone calls we have received this morning, it's not a good idea for me to miss a day posting on this blog! :-)

Everyone is fine..

We actually had a good day yesterday, babies are still sick, but by every account no sicker than they expect them to be. Abby saw the doctor and is feeling better that she does not feel better (if that makes sense). She learned that its OK to take this long to recover from the triple whammy of 2 infections, 10 days of bed rest, and the C-section. Combine that with the emotional stress of what we are going through, and her recovery time will be quite long. So.. she's feeling better that there is no other complication going on in her body.

I'll post an update on the babies later today... I promise :-)


Anonymous said...

Oh thank gawd!
You did have me worried David!
Not nice to scare old grandmothers!
I'm so glad to hear the report on Abby. She was also worrying me.
OK, you can carry on carrying on now!
Lovin' ya lots, Lil

Diane said...

Hi Abby & David,

I join with the others in being glad to see todays update, I think we all hold our breaths if one isn't there!

Glad you've been reassured Abby that you're getting better at the expected rate & all is ok.

I leave for home tomorrow, which will please Cols. My flight leaves the island at 3.15pm & Vancouver at 6.15pm. So I'll give you a wave as I fly over Edmonton.

I just feel all will be well for you & the little treasures & will immediately check the blog when I'm home.

Take good care of each other, & love you all to pieces!

Diane xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Kelly and Larry said...

Whew, Glad I am not the only one that was concerned!!
You poor thing David, the expectations we all have of you now!
Abby my dearest, stop being so hard on yourself and just rememeber you have been through the ringer!! Take your time, you so deserve it!
Just a little question?? Wondering if you sense the babies missing being together? Heard that twins can get so attached to each other that they sense everything about each other. I was just thinking of Dillon having his little set back that maybe he is missing Madeleine and just being a little protective of his little sister?
I will look forward to your later in the day blog David & as usual thanks for the emergency update!!
Love you all!
xo xo xo xo
p.s hopefully you are not hearing from me twice the first reply did not seem to go through??