Monday, September 24, 2007

Moving day

Some more good news today. Doctors said the babies were stable enough to transport. Bad news is.. it is not likely that we will be leaving soon, due to bed availability. But.. it was an immense relief to hear that they were doing so well. There is a single baby from Vancouver that has been here for 2 weeks longer that we have been, and they are not about to go anytime soon. So now a different waiting game starts. The were sleeping under blankets tonight with their little pet dogs on top of them, looking all tucked in like actual little babies.

We moved out of the hospital today and into an apartment hotel called Edmonton House. It's quite civilized, and I actually get to sleep in a real bed! It's not too far from the hospital, and they have a shuttle to and from the hospital. Its nice to have a little kitchen, and an actual restaurant, but its weird being in a different building than our babies.

Abby was exhausted today from her massive expedition across the street to the mall yesterday, so she will sleep well tonight in her real bed, with room service breakfast. Yay.. civilization!


Kelly & Larry said...

Well that is just such AWESOME news guys!!
A real bed and real food!
I just new those babies were special that is just the best news yet, wish there were some strings you could pull to get you come faster! Sucks that you have another waiting game on your plates but what a positive one!
I am sure you don't want to hear it Ab, but you will be up and doing your running in know time at all, just keep building up that strength as by the sounds of it you are going to need it all when you get home!
Nothing more precious than the sight of a baby snuggled up with their blankey's, bottoms in the air and a little friend to keep them safe!
Love ya all so much! If you don't hear from me in the next few days it is because I am having my surgery tomorrow morning so who knows what kind of wimpy shape I will be in?? But good news I have Larry here to take care of me!
Luv ya bunches
Kelly & Larry
xo xo xo xo

Anonymous said...

I've been following the blog with great attention and concern for all that you, Abby and the babies are going through. So good to see things on the upswing. Take good care of yourselves and each other!

lisa ak said...

Great to hear that the little 'uns have passed another milestone and are officially considered ok to travel! We hope it's sooner than later, but the important thing is that they WILL, one day, come to their real home! You really have lots to consider this Thanksgiving; and your challenges have definitely given all of us something to consider before we complain about our own so-called problems. Keep on keepin' on, guys!

Anonymous said...

Good Mornin' you incredible people.
What awesome news!!!! Talk about Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas....this is just the best!
Now you can try to enjoy your "home away from home" and maybe pretend that you're on vacation for a shopping spree in Edmonton Mall for those beautiful babies. A bit of a stretch??? Oh well, just enjoy the bed and the food then.
Love and kisses to you all 'til tomorrow, Lil XOX

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news Ab and Dave!
We're all looking forward to welcoming you back to Vancouver but just take it easy and build your strength Ab - I bet the mouth muscles, and vocal cords are working 100% already!

take care - love Linda

Diane said...

Hi Abby & David,

The past 2 days news is wonderful, & we're so thrilled for you that the little ones are stable now. I know it will be a frustrating wait for the move back to Vancouver,but what a joy that you're in that position now.

Dillon & Madeleine have changed so much & now look like tiny perfectly formed babies. So gorgeous to see you holding them Abby, you look just...perfect together!

Hope you're both getting a well deserved rest in your better accomodation.

Love & hugs to you all Diane & Colston xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxox

Anonymous said...

Great progress,we're heading home tomorrow and will call you over the weekend! Love Car & Geoffxoxo

Anonymous said...

Dear David and Abby;
Things continue to look up praise the Lord. We are all looking forward to your being home again. I'm sure you will be releived to be in your own little bed although it sounds like your new abode is much better than the border room. Basic as it was, it was nice that you didn't have to travel far to see the babies when Abby was not feeling well.I had blog withdrawal with your technical shutdown and really was pleased to see today's posting.
Love Susan and Vic

Diane said...

Hi Abby & David,

The pictures of the little ones just get better & better, they're just gorgeous. I would just love to stroke there tiny heads. The weight gains are really looking up now & peaceful sleep is the best thing for them.

I hope you are both feeling easier in your minds now & I'm so glad that your beginning to feel better Abby. Get lots of rest yourselves because very soon, life is going to get a lot more hectic!

We go off to France on Sunday for about a month & although we don't have a laptop the site has a computer for general use. So we will be keeping up with all the news, & hope that you will be back in Vancouver soon.

Lots & lots of love to you all

Diane & Colston xoxoxoxoxoxoxo