Sunday, December 9, 2007

Update ... Finally!

Bad blog poster.. bad.. I have been remiss in my posting duties.. apologies to all.

OK.. now that we are back home, I'm starting to think that Edmonton might not have been all that bad. We have been slammed back into the reality of both our jobs, Sam visiting, Christmas shopping & parties, and a 3 month backlog of house projects. And we don't even have the twins at home yet! Can't really complain though.. we are having a blast, and it's so great to be back.

Sam was out last week and it was his first time seeing the babies (besides on the ultrasounds). He was quite a proud older brother, and loved holding them and touching them in their crib in the hospital. (He had predicated that we would have a boy and a girl)

They are both on room air now, no supplemental oxygen at all. Dillon is now bottle and breast feeding, so they removed his feeding tube yesterday. For the first time ever he has no tubes sticking into him! He still is wearing the sensors for vital stats, so there are still a few wires to deal with, but he is living without any medical assistance! Madeleine still has her feeding tube in. They have run it through her nose, so that it does not get in the way of her trying to bottle or breast feed.

Dillon is doing very well on the breast and the bottle. He can now pull a full feed from either. He is taking in about 70ml per feed, and feeding every 3 hours, or 8 times a day. That works out to about 1/2 a liter of milk per day he is consuming. Madeleine is still a week or 2 behind Dillon on the feeding, and is still primarily being fed via her tube. She is learning the bottle, and we are hoping to see some progress this week.

Dillon now weighs in at 6lbs, and Madeline is 4lb 15oz. A long way from Sept 9th!

Will try to get some updated pics of the giant babies this week. Here are a few shots of Sam holding his siblings.


Kelly and Larry said...

Welcome home!!
Thanks for the update, sounds pretty hectic but glad to hear that your home being busy and trying to lead somewhat of a normal life!!
Adorable pics of Sam with his brother & sister!!
Just can't get over the fact that Dillon is 6lbs. Just amazing and Maddy will be right behind him in know time what so ever!!
So no excuses we are here if you need anything what so ever!!
Look forward to more pic's and updates!!
Sure was great talking to you the other Day Ab!!
Lots of love as always and really can't wait to hug you in person!!
Lots of Hugs & kisses your way!
Kelly & Larry
xo xo xo xo

Anonymous said...

Finally !!! It's so good to hear from you. I understand how busy you must be David, but I sure have missed you!
Those little angels are growing leaps and bounds! The difference from they're birth weight is just unbelieveable! And to be getting rid of all the tubes and stuff must feel so good to them!
The pictures with their big brother are just beautiful! Sam looks so proud! I hope they're getting a picture with Santa!!!haha
Again, welcome home and Merry, Marry Christmas to you all!
With All My Love and Hugs and Kisses from Lil XOX XOX